Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society

Είδος Έκδοσης: 
Περιοδικές Εκδόσεις

The Bulletin of the Greek (Hellenic) Mathematical Society is a refereed journal, which publishes research articles in all branches of Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts to the Chief Editor or to one of the Editors of the journal. The manuscripts must be submitted in three paper copies in Latex or AMS-Tex. A Diskette 3.5 containig a Latex or AMS-Tex file of the manuscript must accompany the submission. The name of the author(s) must be written under the title. A mailing address and an e-mail address should appear at the end of the first page of the manuscript.

Most back issues of the Bulletin are available upon request. The Bulletin may be exchanged with other mathematical journals.


SUBSCRIPTION RATES: For current volumes are: for members, non - members and institutions 10 euro per volume; overseas subscribers $30 per volume, plus $5 postage and handling charges.
Επιτροπή Περιοδικού:

Executive Committee :

N. Alikakos, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Athens, nalikako [at] math [dot] uoa [dot] gr
S. Andreadakis, Dept., of Mathematics, University of Athens, sandread [at] cc [dot] uoa [dot] gr
E. Kounias, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Athens, skounias [at] math [dot] uoa [dot] gr
H. Papageorgiou, Dept., of Mathematics, University of Athens, hpapageo [at] math [dot] uoa [dot] gr, hpapageo [at] cc [dot] uoa [dot] gr
V. Papantoniou, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Patras, bipapant [at] math [dot] upatras [dot] gr
D. Poulakis, Dept. of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, poulakis [at] ccf [dot] auth [dot] gr
I. G. Stratis, Dept., of Mathematics, University of Athens, istratis [at] math [dot] uoa [dot] gr
P. Sypsas, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Patras, sypsas [at] upatras [dot] gr

Advisory Board

E Aggelopoulos, National Technical University (NTUA), ang [at] math [dot] ntua [dot] gr
Y. Antoniadis, Department of Mathematics, University of Crete, antoniad [at] math [dot] uoc [dot] gr
I. Antoniou, Department of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, iantonio [at] math [dot] auth [dot] gr
Th. Artikis, Department of Statistics and Insurance Science, University of Piraeus, artik [at] unipi [dot] gr
Chr. Baikoussis, Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, cbaikou [at] cc [dot] uoi [dot] gr
Th. Bollis, Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina, tbolis [at] cc [dot] uoi [dot] gr
P. Dafermos, Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University
P. Damianou, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Cyprus,     damianou [at] ncy [dot] ac [dot] cy.
G. Dassios, Division of Applied Mathematics, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, gdassios [at] chemeug [dot] upatras [dot] gr
V. Dougalis, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, doug [at] math [dot] uoa [dot] gr
A. Fokas, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physicis,  University of Cambridge, T [dot] Fokas [at] damtp [dot] cam [dot] ac [dot] uk
A. Giannopoulos, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, apgiannop @math.uoa.gr
M. Grillakis, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland, mng [at] math [dot] unh [dot] umd [dot] edu
A. Hadgidimos, Department of Mathematics, University of Crete
Al. Helemskii, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University, alexander [at] helemskii [dot] mcc [dot] me [dot] ru
D. Ioannidis, Department of Economics, University of Macedonia, dimioan@uom,gr
N. Karcanias, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, City University, Great Britain, N [dot] Karcanias [at] city [dot] ac [dot] uk
K. Keremidis, Department of Mathematics, University of Aegean, kker [at] aegean [dot] gr
W. Klingenberg, Department of Mathematics, University of Durham, wilhelm [dot] klingenberg [at] durham [dot] ac [dot] uk
S. Kourouklis, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, skourouklis@math,upatras.gr
K. Laskaridis, Department of Applied Mathematics and Physics, Nat. Techn. University of Athens, klask [at] math [dot] uoa [dot] gr
Y. Moschovakis, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, ymn [at] math [dot] ucla [dot] edu
V. Papadopoulos, Division of Mathematics, University of Thrace, papadop [at] demo [dot] cc [dot] duth [dot] gr
S. Papastavridis, Dept., of Mathematics, University of Athens, spapast [at] math [dot] uoa [dot] gr
A. Papistas, Department of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, apapist [at] math [dot] auth [dot] gr
P. Siafarikas, Department of mathematics. University of Patras, panos [at] math [dot] upatras [dot] gr
A. Tertikas, Department of mathematics, University of Crete,  tertikas @math.uoc.gr
N. Tsantas, Department of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, tsantas [at] math [dot] auth,gr
M. Waldschmidt, Department of Mathematics, University Paris VI, miw [at] math [dot] jussieu.g


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